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A classic bamboo matcha tea whisk (chawan/ bowl sold separately)

The matcha whisk, also known as a Chasen, is traditionally handcrafted from a single piece of bamboo and comes in a variety of thicknesses and string counts (“teeth” of the whisk). The purpose of the whisk is to coax the matcha into a uniform consistency as the powder tends to clump when coming into contact with water. Without using a traditional whisk in your preparation, you will likely miss out on the delicate nuances that only perfectly blended matcha with just the right amount of foam on top can offer.



It is best to place the whisk in hot water for a few seconds to loosen the strings and “soften” the bamboo each time before using a chasen.

Place the appropriate amount of tea powder (2 g for usucha or 3.75 g for koicha per person) and hot water in the chawan and begin to whisk. The trick is to slightly arch your wrist and (while only moving your wrist) whisk the ingredients as quickly as possible using an M- or W-shaped motion, taking special care not to scrape the strings across the bottom of the chawan.

After an even layer of foam has been achieved, slowly remove the whisk in a swirling motion to create a soft peak of foam on top. Once finished, place the whisk under a gentle stream of hot water until clean.



Pour hot water in a chawan (matcha bowl) and whisk until clean, then pour the water out. Completely dry both the chasen and chawan before storing them.

Important Note: Be sure to never use soap or to run your bamboo whisk through the dishwasher as both of these cleaning methods can severely damage it.

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